samsung j7 core,, J701F,, frp reset done
first flash combination file
Operation: Flash
Selected model: SM-J701F
Software version: 29.9
File analysis... OK
Total file size: 0x5305B410 (1328 Mb)
Searching USB Flash interface... COM341 detected
Setup connection... OK
Reading PIT from phone... OK
Sending sboot.bin... OK
Sending param.bin... OK
Sending cm.bin... OK
Sending nad_fw.bin... OK
Sending nad_refer.bin... OK
Sending boot.img... OK
Sending recovery.img... OK
Sending system.img... OK
Sending modem.bin... OK
Sending cache.img... OK
Flashing done (time - 00:01:00)
2 select pda file and tick only recovery.img and system.img
3 select csc and tick only hidden.img and flash
reset frp lock done