
Saturday, April 14, 2018

J100H Boot Repair user data writing error

  Unlock4samsung       Saturday, April 14, 2018
Dear All Boot Repair Experts i tried to boot repair 3 peaces samsung J100h among are failed writing user area while dump writing Log given below

three mobiles are in same error thats why i think i am in wrong so please suggest me how to dead boot repair sam J100h

4/14/2018 10:02:01 PM> Looking for EasyJTAG box...
4/14/2018 10:02:01 PM> EasyJTAG API ver. 2022
4/14/2018 10:02:01 PM> Setting IO Levels to 1.8V
4/14/2018 10:02:01 PM> Setting frequence to 14 Mhz
4/14/2018 10:02:01 PM> EasyJTAG Box Serial = 01011********
4/14/2018 10:02:01 PM> EasyJTAG Box Firmware = 1.62
4/14/2018 10:02:03 PM> Setting frequence to 14 Mhz
4/14/2018 10:02:03 PM> CMD Pullup Level: 1722 mV
4/14/2018 10:02:03 PM> CMD Active Level: 1732 mV
4/14/2018 10:02:03 PM> eMMC Init returned = 0
4/14/2018 10:02:03 PM> EMMC Device Information :
4/14/2018 10:02:03 PM> EMMC CID: 90014A48344732621101C098310A5284
4/14/2018 10:02:03 PM> EMMC CSD: D07F01320F5903FFFFFFFFEF8A4040DA
4/14/2018 10:02:03 PM> EMMC Manufacture Name: SKHYNIX , EMMC NAME: H4G2b , EMMC NAME (HEX): 483447326200 , S/N: C098310A , rev. 0x01
4/14/2018 10:02:03 PM> EMMC Manufacture ID: 0x90 , OEM ID: 0x4A , Device Type: BGA (Discrete embedded) , Manufacture Date: 5/2015
4/14/2018 10:02:03 PM> EMMC ROM 1 (Main User Data) Capacity: 3728 MB (0000E9000000)
4/14/2018 10:02:03 PM> EMMC ROM 2/3 (Boot Partition 1/2) Capacity: 4096 KB (000000400000)
4/14/2018 10:02:03 PM> EMMC RPMB (Replay Protected Memory Block) Capacity: 4096 KB (000000400000)
4/14/2018 10:02:03 PM> EMMC Permanent Write Protection: No
4/14/2018 10:02:03 PM> EMMC Temporary Write Protection: No
4/14/2018 10:02:03 PM> Extended CSD Information :
4/14/2018 10:02:03 PM> Extended CSD rev: 1.6 (MMC 4.5, MMC 4.51)
4/14/2018 10:02:04 PM> Boot configuration [PARTITION_CONFIG]: 0x08 , Boot from: ROM2 (Boot partition 1)
4/14/2018 10:02:04 PM> Boot Bus Config: 0x00 , width 1bit
4/14/2018 10:02:04 PM> H/W Reset Function [RST_N_FUNCTION]: 0x00, RST_n signal is temporarily disabled
4/14/2018 10:02:04 PM> Supported partition features [PARTITIONING_SUPPORT]: 0x07
4/14/2018 10:02:04 PM> Device supports partitioning features
4/14/2018 10:02:04 PM> Device can have enhanced technological features in partitions and user data area
4/14/2018 10:02:04 PM> Device can have extended partitions attribute
4/14/2018 10:02:04 PM> Partition Settings [PARTITION_SETTING_COMPLETED]: 0x00
4/14/2018 10:02:04 PM> Backup saved: H4G2b_C098310A_20180414_220204.extcsd
4/14/2018 10:02:04 PM> EMMC Init completed.
4/14/2018 10:02:04 PM>
4/14/2018 10:02:04 PM> Operation: Write all eMMC Regions at once
4/14/2018 10:02:04 PM>
4/14/2018 10:02:04 PM> Writing BootConfig ...
4/14/2018 10:02:04 PM> Reg: 179 Value: 0x08
4/14/2018 10:02:05 PM> Reg: 177 Value: 0x00
4/14/2018 10:02:06 PM> Reg: 162 Value: 0x00
4/14/2018 10:02:07 PM> Done
4/14/2018 10:02:07 PM>
4/14/2018 10:02:08 PM> Writing to: ROM2 , start: 0x000000000000 , size: 0x000000400000
4/14/2018 10:02:08 PM> Filename: boot1.bin
4/14/2018 10:02:09 PM> eMMC switching to ROM2
4/14/2018 10:02:09 PM> Writing partition...
4/14/2018 10:02:50 PM> Done writing partition. Write speed: 100.14 KB/s
4/14/2018 10:02:51 PM>
4/14/2018 10:02:51 PM> Writing to: ROM3 , start: 0x000000000000 , size: 0x000000400000
4/14/2018 10:02:51 PM> Filename: boot2.bin
4/14/2018 10:02:51 PM> eMMC switching to ROM3
4/14/2018 10:02:52 PM> Writing partition...
4/14/2018 10:03:33 PM> Done writing partition. Write speed: 99.83 KB/s
4/14/2018 10:03:34 PM>
4/14/2018 10:03:34 PM> Writing to: ROM1 , start: 0x000000000000 , size: 0x000020000000
4/14/2018 10:03:34 PM> Filename: userarea_512MiB.bin
4/14/2018 10:03:34 PM> eMMC switching to ROM1
4/14/2018 10:03:35 PM> Writing partition...
4/14/2018 10:03:36 PM> Error writing at address: 000000000000 , error: 512, 512 Unknown error ... Retry #1
4/14/2018 10:03:38 PM> Error writing at address: 000000000000 , error: 512, 512 Unknown error ... Retry #2
4/14/2018 10:03:40 PM> Error writing at address: 000000000000 , error: 512, 512 Unknown error ... Retry #3
4/14/2018 10:24:11 PM> Done writing partition. Write speed: 424.00 KB/s

4/14/2018 10:24:11 PM>
4/14/2018 10:24:11 PM> All done time: [00:22:03:541]

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