
Friday, April 6, 2018

ks330 not unlock gcpro key error

  Unlock4samsung       Friday, April 6, 2018
Checking Card Ok.
Verify Card verify ok...
Card OsVer 0003
GCPro SN:= [GC455045ED]
Using Version...
Selected Model LG Android
Selected Task TMB Unlock(ADB)

Searching ADB device Please wait..
Device Detected...
SELinux := Permissive
model:= LG-K330
LG TMB Unlocking Started...
SU Version..kingo 141
Device is Secure Rooted..uid=0
Reading ASK Please Wait..
Please Wait while...
Please wait starting task...
Credits Left:= 42
Please Wait while...
Please wait starting task...
fail to read task result...
DBG...VYrBDYBADMNWOnGlJM82gf1HojxR5Ecs18LFB8CJBYsw wKGzD4WrQxRLbPbfTQ/E9IkLso3PsucnXUQY3sqxdfObe0Nnr9BC7gP38wI=

!!! Fail !!!!
Restart Phone if not auto...
Total Time Take...00:00:09
Using Version...
Selected Model LG Android
Selected Task TMB Unlock(ADB)

Searching ADB device Please wait..
Device Detected...
SELinux := Permissive
model:= LG-K330
LG TMB Unlocking Started...
SU Version..kingo 141
Device is Secure Rooted..uid=0
Please Wait while...
Please wait starting task...
fail to read task result...

!!! Fail !!!!
Restart Phone if not auto...
Total Time Take...00:00:09
Using Version...
Selected Model LG Android
Selected Task TMB Unlock(ADB)

Searching ADB device Please wait..
Device Detected...
SELinux := Enforcing
model:= LG-K330
LG TMB Unlocking Started...
SU Version..kingo 141
Device is Secure Rooted..uid=0
Reading ASK Please Wait..
Please Wait while...
Please wait starting task...
RPL Already Exist Press NO when ASK/RPL Process Start to Write RPL...
If you still want to try please delete RPL and try again..

!!! Fail !!!!
Restart Phone if not auto...
Total Time Take...00:00:03
Using Version...
Selected Model LG Android
Selected Task TMB Unlock(ADB)

Searching ADB device Please wait..
Device Detected...
SELinux := Enforcing
model:= LG-K330
LG TMB Unlocking Started...
SU Version..kingo 141
Device is Secure Rooted..uid=0
Please Wait while...
Please wait starting task...
fail to read task result...

!!! Fail !!!!
Restart Phone if not auto...
Total Time Take...00:00:09
Using Version...
Selected Model LG Android
Selected Task TMB Unlock(ADB)

Searching ADB device Please wait..
Device Detected...
SELinux := Enforcing
model:= LG-K330
LG TMB Unlocking Started...
SU Version..kingo 141
Device is Secure Rooted..uid=0
Please Wait while...
Please wait starting task...
fail to read task result...
DBG...VYpBEsAgDAK/FAkJelRb//+kxmNhOLCz8WgmFOp6ZE6ZImtcPD4gDqczWlb+rPzQKH9pqsEQ l2bWX2lBDQReX0XVeIs8EHYPbdjpPPMD

!!! Fail !!!!
Restart Phone if not auto...
Total Time Take...00:00:09
Using Version...
Selected Model LG Android
Selected Task TMB Unlock(ADB)

Searching ADB device Please wait..
Device Detected...
SELinux := Enforcing
model:= LG-K330
LG TMB Unlocking Started...
SU Version..kingo 141
Device is Secure Rooted..uid=0
Reading ASK Please Wait..
Please Wait while...
Please wait starting task...
Credits Left:= 34
Please Wait while...
Please wait starting task...
fail to read task result...

!!! Fail !!!!
Restart Phone if not auto...
Total Time Take...00:00:10
Using Version...
Selected Model LG Android
Selected Task TMB Unlock(ADB)

Searching ADB device Please wait..
Device Detected...
SELinux := Enforcing
model:= LG-K330
LG TMB Unlocking Started...
SU Version..kingo 141
Device is Secure Rooted..uid=0
Reading ASK Please Wait..
Please Wait while...
Please wait starting task...
RPL Already Exist Press NO when ASK/RPL Process Start to Write RPL...
If you still want to try please delete RPL and try again..

!!! Fail !!!!
Restart Phone if not auto...
Total Time Take...00:00:03
Using Version...
Selected Model LG Android
Selected Task TMB Unlock(ADB)

Searching ADB device Please wait..
Device Detected...
SELinux := Enforcing
model:= LG-K330
LG TMB Unlocking Started...
SU Version..kingo 141
Device is Secure Rooted..uid=0
Reading ASK Please Wait..
Please Wait while...
Please wait starting task...
RPL Already Exist Press NO when ASK/RPL Process Start to Write RPL...
If you still want to try please delete RPL and try again..

!!! Fail !!!!
Restart Phone if not auto...
Total Time Take...00:00:03
Failed getses0..
Card Error..0x821

lost 16 credits

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