Please every one make sure you update your GCPro to OS 0003 till 31-07-2018
If you forget or not updated card in OS 0003 YOU WILL NO LONGER SUPPORTED or able to update on next version..
From date 01-08-2018 GCPro UPDATE TOOL and server will not accept any card other then OS 0003
Steps are here http://forum.gsmhosting.com/vbb/f922...rsion-2254461/
If you are locked post update gcpro log at here. http://forum.gsmhosting.com/vbb/f922...-here-2067724/
Any other spam will be deleted and that user will be ignored.
Best Regards,
GCPro Team
Please every one make sure you update your GCPro to OS 0003 till 31-07-2018
If you forget or not updated card in OS 0003 YOU WILL NO LONGER SUPPORTED or able to update on next version..
From date 01-08-2018 GCPro UPDATE TOOL and server will not accept any card other then OS 0003
Steps are here http://forum.gsmhosting.com/vbb/f922...rsion-2254461/
If you are locked post update gcpro log at here. http://forum.gsmhosting.com/vbb/f922...-here-2067724/
Any other spam will be deleted and that user will be ignored.
Best Regards,
GCPro Team