
Thursday, July 26, 2018

LG LS676 JTAG done with Medusa eMMC repair with e-mate adapter

  Unlock4samsung       Thursday, July 26, 2018

Welcome to Medusa Pro Software version 1.6.2.
Reader #0: Alcor Micro USB Smart Card Reader 0
Reader #1: Alcor Micro USB Smart Card Reader 1
Reader #2: FT SCR2000 0
Reader #3: FT SCR2000 1

Please disconnect battery and USB cable.

Model Settings:
Interface : eMMC
Voltage  : 1.8V
Bus Mode  : 1 bit
Bus speed : Auto

Device      : Samsung eMMC Q316BB
Page size    : 512 B
Block size  : 512 B
Block count  : 30535680
Size        : 14.56 GB (14910.00 MB)
CID Info

CID                  : 15010051333136424202D752E42DA497
Manufacturer ID      : 0X15
Device/BGA            : BGA (Discrete embedded)
OEM/Application ID    : 0X00
Product name          : Q316BB
Product revision      : 0.2
Product serial number : (hex) D752E42D
Manufacturing date    : 10/2017
CSD Info

CSD                  : D02701320F5903FFF6DBFFEF8E40400D
CSD structure        : CSD version No. 1.2
SPEC version          : 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.41, 4.5,
                        4.51, 5.0, 5.01, 5.1
Data read access time1: 15 ms
TRAN speed            : 26 MHz
READ block length    : 512 Bytes
WP group enable      : YES

Revision 1.8 (for MMC v5.1)
Erase block size      : 512 Kbytes
Boot1 size            : 4096 Kbytes
Boot2 size            : 4096 Kbytes
RPMB size            : 4096 Kbytes

Partition config      : (0x00) 00000000
Boot partition enable : Device not boot enabled (default)
(Bus width = 1Bit)
Boot ACK              : No boot acknowledge sent (default)

Boot bus conditions  : (0x00) 00000000
Boot bus width        : x1 (sdr) or x4 (ddr) bus width in boot operation mode (default)
Reset boot bus conditions  : Reset bus width to x1, single data rate and backward compatible timings after boot operation (default)
Boot mode            : Use single data rate + backward compatible timings in boot operation (default)

RST_n function        : (0x01) RST_n signal is permanently enabled

Partitioning support  : Device supports partitioning features
Enhanced attribute    : Device can have enhanced technological features in partitions and user data area.
Max enhanced data size: 7626752 Kbytes
Partitions attribute  : 0x0
Part setting completed: 0x0
GP partition 1 size  : 0 b
GP partition 2 size  : 0 b
GP partition 3 size  : 0 b
GP partition 4 size  : 0 b
Enhanced area size    : (0x0) 0 b
Enhanced area start  : (0x0) 0 b

---------------------------------------------------------------Searching Android build info...

Backup EXT_CSD saved to file C:/Program Files/Medusa Pro Software/EXT_CSD Backups/Q316BB_26_07_2018_18_51_16.bin.
Connect successful.
SW: 1.6.2; FW: 1.24.
P00: GPT              (00000000, 00004000)        8 MB
P01: modem            (00004000, 00020000)        64 MB
P02: sbl1            (00024000, 00000400)        512 KB
P03: tz              (00024400, 00000800)        1024 KB
P04: rpm              (00024C00, 00000400)        512 KB
P05: aboot            (00025000, 00001000)        2048 KB
P06: sbl1bak          (00026000, 00000400)        512 KB
P07: tzbak            (00026400, 00000800)        1024 KB
P08: rpmbak          (00026C00, 00000400)        512 KB
P09: abootbak        (00027000, 00001000)        2048 KB
P10: modemst1        (00028000, 00000C00)        1536 KB
P11: modemst2        (00028C00, 00000C00)        1536 KB
P12: ssd              (00029800, 00000400)        512 KB
P13: DDR              (00029C00, 00000400)        512 KB
P14: spare3          (0002A000, 00000C00)        1536 KB
P15: fsc              (0002AC00, 00000400)        512 KB
P16: sec              (0002B000, 00000400)        512 KB
P17: keystore        (0002B400, 00000400)        512 KB
P18: encrypt          (0002B800, 00000400)        512 KB
P19: eksst            (0002BC00, 00000400)        512 KB
P20: devinfo          (0002C000, 00000800)        1024 KB
P21: config          (0002C800, 00000400)        512 KB
P22: spare1          (0002CC00, 00003400)        6.5 MB
P23: fota            (00030000, 00003000)        6 MB
P24: rct              (00033000, 00000400)        512 KB
P25: spare2          (00033400, 00000C00)        1536 KB
P26: raw_resources    (00034000, 00000800)        1024 KB
P27: raw_resourcesbak (00034800, 00000800)        1024 KB
P28: drm              (00035000, 00003000)        6 MB
P29: sns              (00038000, 00003000)        6 MB
P30: misc            (0003B000, 00005000)        10 MB
P31: fsg              (00040000, 00000C00)        1536 KB
P32: spare4          (00040C00, 00003400)        6.5 MB
P33: persist          (00044000, 00004000)        8 MB
P34: carrier          (00048000, 00014000)        40 MB
P35: laf              (0005C000, 0000C000)        24 MB
P36: boot            (00068000, 00008000)        16 MB
P37: recovery        (00070000, 00008000)        16 MB
P38: recoverybak      (00078000, 00008000)        16 MB
P39: factory          (00080000, 0000C000)        24 MB
P40: mpt              (0008C000, 00004000)        8 MB
P41: system          (00090000, 005DC000)        3000 MB
P42: lafbak          (0066C000, 0000C000)        24 MB
P43: cache            (00678000, 001C2000)        900 MB
P44: userdata        (0083A000, 014E4FDE)        10.45 GB
P45: grow            (01D1EFDE, 00000001)        512 b
Opening C:/Users/zunair khan/Downloads/Compressed/LS676ZV9/LS676ZV9/LS676ZV9_02.tot file...
Signature OK.
Signature 2 OK.
Open file "C:/Users/zunair khan/Downloads/Compressed/LS676ZV9/LS676ZV9/LS676ZV9_02.tot".
Write data verification is enabled.
Writing. Please wait...
Writing partition PrimaryGPT...        Done.
Writing partition modem...        Done.
Writing partition sbl1...        Done.
Writing partition tz...        Done.
Writing partition rpm...        Done.
Writing partition aboot...        Done.
Writing partition sbl1bak...        Done.
Writing partition tzbak...        Done.
Writing partition rpmbak...        Done.
Writing partition abootbak...        Done.
Writing partition sec...        Done.
Writing partition rct...        Done.
Writing partition raw_resources...        Done.
Writing partition raw_resourcesbak...        Done.
Writing partition misc...        Done.
Writing partition misc...        Done.
Writing partition persist...        Done.
Writing partition laf...        Done.
Writing partition boot...        Done.
Writing partition recovery...        Done.
Writing partition recoverybak...        Done.
Writing partition factory...        Done.
Writing partition system...        Done.
Writing partition BackupGPT...        Done.
Writing is finished.
SW: 1.6.2; FW: 1.24.


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