
Sunday, October 28, 2018

error abl.elf.lz4, flashing verizon G965u

  Unlock4samsung       Sunday, October 28, 2018
tried different firmware, even the G965u1, same error message

Operation: Flash
Selected model: SM-G965U
Software version: 34.2

File analysis... OK
Total file size: 0x143127C6E (5169 Mb)
Searching USB Flash interface... COM4 detected
Setup connection... OK
Getting device info... OK
Reading PIT from phone... OK
Sending abl.elf.lz4... error timeout

Done with Samsung Tool PRO v.34.2

here is the phone info

Searching Samsung modem... detected COM11
Reading phone info...
Model: SM-G965U
AP version: G965USQU3ARG7
CSC version: G965UOYN3ARIB
CP version: G965USQS3ARIB
Product code: VZW
Phone SN: RF8K21M39QV
IMEI: 355419090186043/35541909018604
Unique number: 988A97314A3138574830
Reading IMEI... OK
IMEI: 355419090186043

Done with Samsung Tool PRO v.34.2