
Tuesday, October 9, 2018

LG Q6a M700 Android 7.1.1 FRP not work

  Unlock4samsung       Tuesday, October 9, 2018
Here http://forum.gsmhosting.com/vbb/f453...l#post13356134
i report about FRP unlock
Support say reflash phone and repeat unlock FRP
I flash phone M70010h_00_OPEN_CIS_DS_OP_0822.kdz
1) FRP reset
Select 1 type unlock, after success unlock phone reboot, show on the screen "Factory reset on the server" and then reboot again. FRP not unlock
2) FRP resert
Select 2 type unlock
LG Tool show success unlock, phone reboot, but FRP not unlock
What problem?

Mode: Emergency
Model: M700
Read info...
Laf Protocol: 01000006
Model name: LG-M700
Software verion: M70010p
Android verion: 7.1.1
Target operator: GLOBAL
Target country: COM
Chipset: msm8937
IMEI: 35826************
Elapsed: 5 secs. --> (v9.54)
Phone mode is DOWNLOAD
Start flashing.
Laf Protocol: 01000006
  Open KDZ File : C:\Users\Abzal\Downloads\M70010h_00_OPEN_CIS_DS_OP_0822.kdz
Checking file hash...
  Model : LG-M700
  SwVersion : LGM700AT-00-V10p-GLOBAL-COM-AUG-22-2017+0
  BuildTime : 0000-00-00 00:00:00
  Total Files : 85
Model name: LG-M700
Software verion: M70010p
Android verion: 7.1.1
Target operator: GLOBAL
Target country: COM
Chipset: msm8937
IMEI: 3582**********
Laf flash error: incompatible partition table [start] 01191800:01D1EFDE, grow
Start direct download mode
Write "PrimaryGPT" partition #1 of 85
Write "modem" partition #2 of 85
Write "aboot" partition #3 of 85
Write "abootbak" partition #4 of 85
Write "tz" partition #5 of 85
Write "tzbak" partition #6 of 85
Write "sbl1" partition #7 of 85
Write "sbl1bak" partition #8 of 85
Write "rpm" partition #9 of 85
Write "rpmbak" partition #10 of 85
Write "devcfg" partition #11 of 85
Write "devcfgbak" partition #12 of 85
Write "cmnlib" partition #13 of 85
Write "cmnlibbak" partition #14 of 85
Write "cmnlib64" partition #15 of 85
Write "cmnlib64bak" partition #16 of 85
Write "keymaster" partition #17 of 85
Write "keymasterbak" partition #18 of 85
Write "dsp" partition #19 of 85
Write "sec" partition #20 of 85
Skip "rct" partition #21 of 85
Write "apdp" partition #22 of 85
Write "msadp" partition #23 of 85
Write "boot" partition #24 of 85
Write "laf" partition #25 of 85
Write "lafbak" partition #26 of 85
Write "recovery" partition #27 of 85
Write "recoverybak" partition #28 of 85
Write "factory" partition #29 of 85
Write "raw_resources" partition #30 of 85
Write "raw_resourcesbak" partition #31 of 85
Write "persist" partition #32 of 85
Write "system" partition #33 of 85
Write "system" partition #34 of 85
Write "system" partition #35 of 85
Write "system" partition #36 of 85
Write "system" partition #37 of 85
Write "system" partition #38 of 85
Write "system" partition #39 of 85
Write "system" partition #40 of 85
Write "system" partition #41 of 85
Write "system" partition #42 of 85
Write "system" partition #43 of 85
Write "system" partition #44 of 85
Write "system" partition #45 of 85
Write "system" partition #46 of 85
Write "system" partition #47 of 85
Write "system" partition #48 of 85
Write "system" partition #49 of 85
Write "system" partition #50 of 85
Write "system" partition #51 of 85
Write "system" partition #52 of 85
Write "system" partition #53 of 85
Write "system" partition #54 of 85
Write "system" partition #55 of 85
Write "system" partition #56 of 85
Write "system" partition #57 of 85
Write "system" partition #58 of 85
Write "system" partition #59 of 85
Write "system" partition #60 of 85
Write "system" partition #61 of 85
Write "system" partition #62 of 85
Write "system" partition #63 of 85
Write "system" partition #64 of 85
Write "system" partition #65 of 85
Write "system" partition #66 of 85
Write "system" partition #67 of 85
Write "system" partition #68 of 85
Write "system" partition #69 of 85
Write "system" partition #70 of 85
Write "system" partition #71 of 85
Write "system" partition #72 of 85
Write "system" partition #73 of 85
Write "system" partition #74 of 85
Write "system" partition #75 of 85
Write "system" partition #76 of 85
Write "system" partition #77 of 85
Write "system" partition #78 of 85
Write "system" partition #79 of 85
Write "system" partition #80 of 85
Write "system" partition #81 of 85
Write "system" partition #82 of 85
Write "system" partition #83 of 85
Write "BackupGPT" partition #84 of 85
Write "OP_T" partition #85 of 85
Erase "rct" partition
Elapsed: 539 secs. --> (v9.54)
Mode: Emergency
Model: M700
Read info...
Laf Protocol: 01000006
Model name: LG-M700
Software verion: M70010p
Android verion: 7.1.1
Target operator: GLOBAL
Target country: COM
Chipset: msm8937
IMEI: 3582***********
Elapsed: 5 secs. --> (v9.54)
Mode: Emergency
Model: M700
Read info...
Laf Protocol: 01000006
Model name: LG-M700
Software verion: M70010p
Android verion: 7.1.1
Target operator: GLOBAL
Target country: COM
Chipset: msm8937
IMEI: 35826*************
Elapsed: 5 secs. --> (v9.54)
Phone mode is DOWNLOAD
Start FRP remove...
Laf Protocol: 01000006
Model name: LG-M700
Software verion: M70010p
Android verion: 7.1.1
Target operator: GLOBAL
Target country: COM
Chipset: msm8937
IMEI: 35826**********
Init EXT4 ... done
Restore data detected!
Save EXT4...
FRP Restore Done!
Elapsed: 28 secs. --> (v9.54)
Mode: Emergency
Model: M700
Read info...
Laf Protocol: 01000006
Model name: LG-M700
Software verion: M70010p
Android verion: 7.1.1
Target operator: GLOBAL
Target country: COM
Chipset: msm8937
IMEI: 358**************
Elapsed: 5 secs. --> (v9.54)
Phone mode is DOWNLOAD
Start reset FRP...
Laf Protocol: 01000006
Model name: LG-M700
Software verion: M70010p
Android verion: 7.1.1
Target operator: GLOBAL
Target country: COM
Chipset: msm8937
IMEI: 35826************
Detecting write method...
Init write method... fail
Init misc method... done
Init EXT4 ... done
Resetting frp...
FRP Reset done!
Elapsed: 44 secs. --> (v9.54)


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