
Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Samsung SM-T377P "dead" boot repair [Answered]

  Unlock4samsung       Tuesday, October 9, 2018
great team i already tried connecting this device more than 4 times all times the same the whole problem the tab was definitely working before it was dead it died from a sboot flash so what is the problem is it a hardware issue?

Welcome to Medusa Pro Software version 1.6.4.
Reader #0: FT SCR2000 0
Reader #1: FT SCR2000 1
Reader #2: Generic EMV Smartcard Reader 0

Please disconnect battery and USB cable.

Model Settings:
Interface : eMMC
Brand : Samsung
Model : SM-T377P
SRF : C:/Program Files (x86)/Medusa Pro Software/firmwareFolder/SAMSUNG_SM-T377P_EMMC.srf
Voltage : 1.8V
Bus Mode : 1 bit
Bus speed : Auto

Device : Toshiba eMMC 400073
Page size : 512 B
Block size : 512 B
Block count : 2097152
Size : 1024.00 MB
CID Info

CID : 110100343030303733001FC744F943B1
Manufacturer ID : 0X11
Device/BGA : BGA (Discrete embedded)
OEM/Application ID : 0X00
Product name : 400073
Product revision : 0.0
Product serial number : (hex) 1FC744F9
Manufacturing date : 04/2016
CSD Info

CSD : D07E00320F5903FFFFFFFFE78A4000D1
CSD structure : CSD version No. 1.0
SPEC version : 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.41, 4.5,
4.51, 5.0, 5.01, 5.1
Data read access time1: 8 ms
TRAN speed : 26 MHz
READ block length : 512 Bytes
WP group enable : YES

Erase block size : 2560 Kbytes
Boot1 size : 28288 Kbytes
Boot2 size : 28288 Kbytes
RPMB size : 0 Kbytes

Partition config : (0x00) 00000000
Boot partition enable : Device not boot enabled (default)
(Bus width = 1Bit)
Boot ACK : No boot acknowledge sent (default)

Boot bus conditions : (0x00) 00000000
Boot bus width : x1 (sdr) or x4 (ddr) bus width in boot operation mode (default)
Reset boot bus conditions : Reset bus width to x1, single data rate and backward compatible timings after boot operation (default)
Boot mode : Use single data rate + backward compatible timings in boot operation (default)

RST_n function : (0x00) RST_n signal is temporary disabled (default)

Max enhanced data size: 0 Kbytes
Partitions attribute : 0x80
Part setting completed: 0x0
GP partition 1 size : 0 b
GP partition 2 size : 0 b
GP partition 3 size : 0 b
GP partition 4 size : 0 b
Enhanced area size : (0x0) 0 b
Enhanced area start : (0x0) 0 b

---------------------------------------------------------------Searching Android build info...
Not found
Backup EXT_CSD saved to file C:/Program Files (x86)/Medusa Pro Software/EXT_CSD Backups/400073_09_10_2018_10_31_37.bin.
Connect successful.
SW: 1.6.4; FW: 1.24.

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