Dear Z3X box supporter...
from last few months i have problem with Z3X smart card damaged..
i have sent many emails to support but they don't reply correct.
z3x smart card NOT RECOGNIZED.....
as you said to find new smart card and you will transfer all activation to new smart card..
i got new box with SAMSUNG PRO activation, plz sir just transfer LG activation from damage smart card to my new smart card... and when i got another smart card then transfer SAMSUNG PRO activation from damage smard card to new...
old damage smart card SN: xxxxxxx
New smart card SN: xxxxxxx
from last few months i have problem with Z3X smart card damaged..
i have sent many emails to support but they don't reply correct.
z3x smart card NOT RECOGNIZED.....
as you said to find new smart card and you will transfer all activation to new smart card..
i got new box with SAMSUNG PRO activation, plz sir just transfer LG activation from damage smart card to my new smart card... and when i got another smart card then transfer SAMSUNG PRO activation from damage smard card to new...
old damage smart card SN: xxxxxxx
New smart card SN: xxxxxxx