
Sunday, February 24, 2019

Samsung sm-g5570m you can not patch certificate

  Unlock4samsung       Sunday, February 24, 2019
Good day. I received a Samsung SM-G570M with software problem. It was restarted constantly and sometimes was marked in the logo. Until then nothing out of the ordinary. Proceed to install Android 7, (binary TT 2) which gave an error when flashing, since it was binary 3. Flash again (binary 3) without any inconvenience and deliver to the client. One hour later he tells me that he said he was NOT REGISTERED ON THE NET. Obviously before that the imei had been repaired and patched. Chimera does not have root for this model with android 7, I could not find a way to root it with different tools. The RMM state is in prenormal. Noting that if it consists in chimera root for android 8.0.0, choose to install new rom android 8 with binary 3. Then activate OEM unlock (with the trick of the days) and when I proceed to patch seems normal, almost soon, but when rebooting and waiting for the connection ADB, a msj appears something like that can only flash binary stock rom or something like that, I do not remember very well. The problem is that I can not find any way to root it, both on Android 7 or 8, since it is essential to patch the certificate and recover the signal. Thank you

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