
Saturday, March 2, 2019

J727P Perx frp bit bin 1-3 video English Spanish

  Unlock4samsung       Saturday, March 2, 2019

The instructions were in spanish and i was too tired to translate so I used google, it may some weird for that reason as I didnt even check.


This tutorial is to remove the FRP or Google account of the Samsung J727P Perx, Binary 1.2, and 3 using Z3X. If you use it in another model or binary of this same one, it is at your own risk because it was only tested in the aforementioned.

First of all this phone is very problematic and it gives a variety of problems, apart from the fact that if you do not follow the instructions to the letter it will be dead and you will only have the chance to revive it using JTAG.

The first thing to do is to flash COMBINATION_SPT_FA70_J727PVPU3AQK1 completely. Start letting it load turn off again.
Today we are going to flash J727PVPU3AQJ3_J727PSPT3AQJ3_SPR but it will not be complete in Z3X we will load the firmware partially.

In BOOT - load the BL file we go to the 3 points and we are only going to leave "aboot" selected, the rest must be unmarked.

In PDA - load the AP file and leave only Boot, Recovery, System marked, the rest must be unchecked.
We give in flash and it will take approximately 2 minutes and a half to complete.

The frp should be disabled and you can use the phone normally only it will not show that it has a signal. From here it goes for adjustments and it will be enabled OEM unlocking and then always in settings we will restore from the factory eliminating all data.

At the end of resetting we are going to do the full flash of J727PVPU3AQJ3_J727PSPT3AQJ3_SPR and normally that is all already without FRP and for normal use.

I say normally because with this phone a variety of complications arise and up to this point the solution is the same, upgrade to Bit / Bin 4. These problems I found with different phones of the same model, with one that came with FRP bit / bin 1 le I put the combination and full firmware in this tutorial to upload it to bit / bin 3, everything looked good until I noticed that I did not have IMEI. I battled trying different solutions that solve that problem and nothing worked, I raised the bit / bin using J727PVPU4ARG2_SPT4ARG2 and ready IMEI recovered. The other problems were given to me when releasing when I had bit / bin 3, it gave a variety of errors in different points of the process and all were solved when going up to bit / bin 4 I always use J727PVPU4ARG2_SPT4ARG2.

For FRP in bit / bin 4 there are those who say that it is done in the same way only with combo and firmware of bit 4, many say that it throws error when putting the combination of bit / bin 4, they say many more things but it has not arrived with no FRP in bit / bin4 so I do not know.


Este tutorial es para remover el FRP o cuenta google del Samsung J727P Perx, Binario 1,2, y 3 usando Z3X. Si lo use en otro modelo o binario de este mismo ya es a riesgo propio porque solo fue probado en lo anteriormente mencionado.

Primeramente este teléfono es bien problemático y da una variedad de problemas, aparte de que si no sigue las instrucciones al pie de la letra quedara muerto y solo tendrá chance de revivirlo usando JTAG.

Lo primero hay que flashar COMBINATION_SPT_FA70_J727PVPU3AQK1 completo. Iniciar dejarlo que cargue apagar de nuevo.
Hoy vamos a flashar J727PVPU3AQJ3_J727PSPT3AQJ3_SPR pero no será completo en Z3X vamos a cargar el firmware parcialmente.

En BOOT – cargar el archivo BL vamos a los 3 puntos y solo vamos a dejar seleccionado “aboot” el resto debe estar desmarcado.

En PDA – cargar el archivo AP y dejar marcados solo Boot, Recovery,System el resto debe estar desmarcado.
Damos en flash y se tardar aproxima*****te 2 minutos y medios para completar.

El frp debería estar deshabilitado y se podrá usar el teléfono normalmente solo que no mostrara que tiene señal. De aquí se va para ajustes y se va habilitar desbloqueo OEM y luego siempre en ajustes vamos a restablecer de fábrica eliminando todos los datos.

Al finalizar de restablecer vamos a hacer el flash completo de J727PVPU3AQJ3_J727PSPT3AQJ3_SPR y normalmente eso es todo ya está sin FRP y para uso normal.

Digo normalmente porque con este teléfono surgen una variedad de complicaciones y hasta este punto la solución es la misma, actualizar a Bit/Bin 4. Estos problemas me encontré con distintos teléfonos del mismo modelo, con uno que venía con FRP bit/bin 1 le puse el combination y firmware completo en este tutorial para subirlo a bit/bin 3, todo se miraba bien hasta que note que no tenía IMEI. Batalle intentando diferentes soluciones que resuelven ese problema y nada funciono, le eleve el bit/bin usando J727PVPU4ARG2_SPT4ARG2 y listo IMEI recuperado. Los otros problemas me los dio a la hora de liberar cuando tenía bit/bin 3, daba una variedad de errores en diferentes puntos del proceso y todos se solucionaron al subir a bit/bin 4 siempre uso J727PVPU4ARG2_SPT4ARG2.

Para FRP en bit/bin 4 hay quienes dicen que se hace de la misma forma solo con combo y firmware de bit 4, muchos dicen que les tira error al poner el combination de bit/bin 4, dicen muchas cosas mas pero no me ha llegado ningún con FRP en bit/bin4 así es que no se.

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