
Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Samsung sm-j500f/ds [Answered]

  Unlock4samsung       Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Model Settings:
Interface : eMMC
Brand : Samsung
Model : SM-J500FN
SRF : C:/Program Files (x86)/Medusa Pro Software/firmwareFolder/SAMSUNG_SM-J500FN_EMMC_QN16MB.srf
Voltage : 1.8V
Bus Mode : 1 bit
Bus speed : Auto

Device : Hynix eMMC H8G4u!
Page size : 512 B
Block size : 512 B
Block count : 15269888
Size : 7.28 GB (7456.00 MB)
CID Info

CID : 90014A483847347521012FB445BB235F
Manufacturer ID : 0X90
Device/BGA : BGA (Discrete embedded)
OEM/Application ID : 0X4A
Product name : H8G4u!
Product revision : 0.1
Product serial number : (hex) 2FB445BB
Manufacturing date : 02/2016
CSD Info

CSD : D07F01320F5903FFFFFFFFEF8A400013
CSD structure : CSD version No. 1.2
SPEC version : 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.41, 4.5,
4.51, 5.0, 5.01, 5.1
Data read access time1: 80 ms
TRAN speed : 26 MHz
READ block length : 512 Bytes
WP group enable : YES

Revision 1.7 (for MMC v5.0, v5.01)
Erase block size : 512 Kbytes
Boot1 size : 4096 Kbytes
Boot2 size : 4096 Kbytes
RPMB size : 4096 Kbytes

Partition config : (0x00) 00000000
Boot partition enable : Device not boot enabled (default)
(Bus width = 1Bit)
Boot ACK : No boot acknowledge sent (default)

Boot bus conditions : (0x00) 00000000
Boot bus width : x1 (sdr) or x4 (ddr) bus width in boot operation mode (default)
Reset boot bus conditions : Reset bus width to x1, single data rate and backward compatible timings after boot operation (default)
Boot mode : Use single data rate + backward compatible timings in boot operation (default)

RST_n function : (0x00) RST_n signal is temporary disabled (default)

Partitioning support : Device supports partitioning features
Enhanced attribute : Device can have enhanced technological features in partitions and user data area.
Max enhanced data size: 3817472 Kbytes
Partitions attribute : 0x0
Part setting completed: 0x0
GP partition 1 size : 0 b
GP partition 2 size : 0 b
GP partition 3 size : 0 b
GP partition 4 size : 0 b
Enhanced area size : (0x0) 0 b
Enhanced area start : (0x0) 0 b

---------------------------------------------------------------Searching Android build info...
Not found
Backup EXT_CSD saved to file C:/Program Files (x86)/Medusa Pro Software/EXT_CSD Backups/H8G4u!_22_07_2019_23_26_58.bin.
Connect successful.
SW: 1.7.7; FW: 1.24.
P00: GPT (00000000, 00002000) 4 MB
P01: apnhlos (00002000, 00007800) 15 MB
P02: modem (00009800, 0001CB80) 57.44 MB
P03: sbl1 (00026380, 00000400) 512 KB
P04: ddr (00026780, 00000040) 32 KB
P05: aboot (000267C0, 00001000) 2048 KB
P06: rpm (000277C0, 00000400) 512 KB
P07: qsee (00027BC0, 00000400) 512 KB
P08: qhee (00027FC0, 00000400) 512 KB
P09: fsg (000283C0, 00001800) 3072 KB
P10: sec (00029BC0, 00000020) 16 KB
P11: pad (00029BE0, 00005420) 10.52 MB
P12: param (0002F000, 00005000) 10 MB
P13: efs (00034000, 00007000) 14 MB
P14: modemst1 (0003B000, 00001800) 3072 KB
P15: modemst2 (0003C800, 00001800) 3072 KB
P16: boot (0003E000, 00006800) 13 MB
P17: recovery (00044800, 00007800) 15 MB
P18: fota (0004C000, 00006402) 12.5 MB
P19: backup (00052402, 000037EE) 6.991 MB
P20: fsc (00055BF0, 00001800) 3072 KB
P21: ssd (000573F0, 00000010) 8 KB
P22: persist (00057400, 00004000) 8 MB
P23: persistent (0005B400, 00000400) 512 KB
P24: persdata (0005B800, 00004800) 9 MB
P25: system (00060000, 00410000) 2080 MB
P26: cache (00470000, 00064000) 200 MB
P27: hidden (004D4000, 00023000) 70 MB
P28: userdata (004F7000, 00998FD8) 4.799 GB

How to repair? :) Can i smart repair by J500FN

I have J500F/DS With QLoader 9008 how fix this?

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