
Tuesday, August 20, 2019

error Smart-card exception 0x6F00

  Unlock4samsung       Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Dear sigma team, I have this error a few weeks ago and I can't solve,
i just formatted my computer and I still have no solution, I also changed my reader and box and still have the same problem

I activated this box with the 3 packs, about a couple of weeks ago, and now I see that it is damaged

Is there any way to recover my sigma?

let me know please

here the details
SigmaKey v.2.33.05 build 01
520449933 Sigma dongle 2.33, Initializing...OK
Pack 1: Activated
Pack 2: Activated
Pack 3: Activated
Disconnect SigmaKey/Box...OK
S-Card: 520449933 Sigma dongle, v 2.33
Your Sigma dongle is up to date and does not need to be updated


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