Operation: Flash
Selected model: GT-S7582
Software version: 30.8
File analysis... OK
Total file size: 0x483271C0 (1155 Mb)
Searching USB Flash interface... COM66 detected
Setup connection... OK
Reading PIT from phone... OK
Sending boot.img... OK
Sending recovery.img... OK
Sending BcmCP.img... OK
Sending dt-blob... OK
Sending cache.img... OK
Sending system.img... OK
Sending hidden.img... OK
Sending param.lfs... OK
Flashing done (time - 00:06:20)
Done with Samsung Tool PRO v.30.8
Selected model: GT-S7582
Software version: 30.8
File analysis... OK
Total file size: 0x483271C0 (1155 Mb)
Searching USB Flash interface... COM66 detected
Setup connection... OK
Reading PIT from phone... OK
Sending boot.img... OK
Sending recovery.img... OK
Sending BcmCP.img... OK
Sending dt-blob... OK
Sending cache.img... OK
Sending system.img... OK
Sending hidden.img... OK
Sending param.lfs... OK
Flashing done (time - 00:06:20)
Done with Samsung Tool PRO v.30.8