
Monday, February 4, 2019

XT1068 can't repair boot

  Unlock4samsung       Monday, February 4, 2019
Help me, please to write boot.

Model Settings:
Interface : eMMC
Brand : Motorola
Model : xt1068 8gb
SRF : C:/Program Files (x86)/Medusa Pro Software/firmwareFolder/MOTOROLA_XT1068_8GB_(TEST)_THANKS_TO_MR_CBCELULAR. srf
Voltage : 1.8V
Bus Mode : 1 bit
Bus speed : Auto

Device : Sandisk eMMC SEM08G
Page size : 512 B
Block size : 512 B
Block count : 15269888
Size : 7.28 GB (7456.00 MB)
CID Info

CID : 45010053454D3038470729409060D1DB
Manufacturer ID : 0X45
Device/BGA : BGA (Discrete embedded)
OEM/Application ID : 0X00
Product name : SEM08G
Product revision : 0.7
Product serial number : (hex) 29409060
Manufacturing date : 13/2014
CSD Info

CSD : D00F00320F5903FFFFFFFFFF8A40407F
CSD structure : CSD version No. 1.2
SPEC version : 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.41, 4.5,
4.51, 5.0, 5.01, 5.1
Data read access time1: 10 ms
TRAN speed : 26 MHz
READ block length : 512 Bytes
WP group enable : YES

Revision 1.6 (for MMC v4.5, v4.51)
Erase block size : 512 Kbytes
Boot1 size : 2048 Kbytes
Boot2 size : 2048 Kbytes
RPMB size : 2048 Kbytes

Partition config : (0x38) 00111000
Boot partition enable : User area
(Bus width = 1Bit)
Boot ACK : No boot acknowledge sent (default)

Boot bus conditions : (0x00) 00000000
Boot bus width : x1 (sdr) or x4 (ddr) bus width in boot operation mode (default)
Reset boot bus conditions : Reset bus width to x1, single data rate and backward compatible timings after boot operation (default)
Boot mode : Use single data rate + backward compatible timings in boot operation (default)

RST_n function : (0x00) RST_n signal is temporary disabled (default)

Partitioning support : Device supports partitioning features
Max enhanced data size: 3817472 Kbytes
Partitions attribute : 0x0
Part setting completed: 0x0
GP partition 1 size : 0 b
GP partition 2 size : 0 b
GP partition 3 size : 0 b
GP partition 4 size : 0 b
Enhanced area size : (0x0) 0 b
Enhanced area start : (0x0) 0 b

---------------------------------------------------------------Searching Android build info...

Disk/Image size : d2000000 bytes
Device sector size : 512 bytes
Partition offset : 1378304
Number of sectors : 2260992
Device Manufacturer :motorola
Device Platform :msm8226
Build ID :LXB22.46-28
Display Build ID :LXB22.46-28
Release ID :5.0.2
Device Model :XT1068
Device Name :titan_retaildsds
Architecture ABI :armeabi-v7a
Architecture ABI2 :armeabi
Architecture ABI List :armeabi-v7a,armeabi
Build Description :titan_retaildsds-user 5.0.2 LXB22.46-28 28 release-keys

Backup EXT_CSD saved to file C:/Program Files (x86)/Medusa Pro Software/EXT_CSD Backups/SEM08G_04_02_2019_16_08_04.bin.
Connect successful.
SW: 1.7.4; FW: 1.24.
P00: GPT (00000000, 00000100) 128 KB
P01: modem (00000100, 00020000) 64 MB
P02: sbl1 (00020100, 00000400) 512 KB
P03: DDR (00020500, 00000040) 32 KB
P04: aboot (00020600, 000007E8) 1012 KB
P05: rpm (000211B8, 00000190) 200 KB
P06: tz (000215A0, 00000320) 400 KB
P07: sdi (00021988, 00000040) 32 KB
P08: utags (000219C8, 00000400) 512 KB
P09: logs (00021DC8, 00001000) 2048 KB
P10: padA (00022DC8, 00001238) 2332 KB
P11: abootBackup (00024000, 000007E8) 1012 KB
P12: rpmBackup (00024BB8, 00000190) 200 KB
P13: tzBackup (00024FA0, 00000320) 400 KB
P14: sdiBackup (00025388, 00000040) 32 KB
P15: utagsBackup (000253C8, 00000400) 512 KB
P16: padB (000257C8, 00000838) 1052 KB
P17: modemst1 (00026000, 00000C00) 1536 KB
P18: modemst2 (00026C00, 00000C00) 1536 KB
P19: hob (00027800, 000003D0) 488 KB
P20: dhob (00027BD0, 00000040) 32 KB
P21: fsg (00027D00, 00000C00) 1536 KB
P22: fsc (00028900, 00000002) 1024 b
P23: ssd (00028902, 00000010) 8 KB
P24: sp (00028912, 00000800) 1024 KB
P25: cid (00029112, 00000100) 128 KB
P26: pds (00029212, 00001800) 3072 KB
P27: logo (0002AA12, 00002000) 4 MB
P28: clogo (0002CA12, 00002000) 4 MB
P29: persist (0002EB00, 00004000) 8 MB
P30: misc (00032B00, 00000400) 512 KB
P31: boot (00032F00, 00004FB0) 9.961 MB
P32: recovery (00037EB0, 00005050) 10.04 MB
P33: deviceinfo (0003CF00, 00000800) 1024 KB
P34: ftmlog (0003D700, 00008000) 16 MB
P35: cache (00045700, 0010B100) 534.1 MB
P36: system (00150800, 00228000) 1104 MB
P37: kpan (00378800, 00004000) 8 MB
P38: userdata (0037C800, 00B03700) 5.507 GB
Backuping Gpt partition...
Opening C:/Program Files (x86)/Medusa Pro Software/Backups/SEM08G_Gpt_0x0_0x100_04_02_2019_16_08_04.bin file...
Reading. Please wait... Done.
Elapsed time 00:00:00
SW: 1.7.4; FW: 1.24.
Backuping Cid partition...
Opening C:/Program Files (x86)/Medusa Pro Software/Backups/SEM08G_Cid_0x29112_0x100_04_02_2019_16_08_04.bin file...
Reading. Please wait... Done.
Elapsed time 00:00:00
SW: 1.7.4; FW: 1.24.
Repairing from file "C:/Program Files (x86)/Medusa Pro Software/firmwareFolder/MOTOROLA_XT1068_8GB_(TEST)_THANKS_TO_MR_CBCELULAR. srf".
Write data verification is enabled.

Switched to boot area partition 1.
Writing BOOT1 partition...
Read/write verification error. Possible reasons: damaged or write protected eMMC.

p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }

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