
Friday, October 11, 2019


  Unlock4samsung       Friday, October 11, 2019

SigmaKey v.2.33.07 build 03
xx Sigma dongle 2.33, Initializing...OK
Pack 1: Activated
Pack 2: Activated
Pack 3: Activated
--------- 2019-09-30 17:33:54 ---------
SigmaKey 2.33.07b3 MTK: Repair IMEI
Plug the USB cable into the powered off phone...
MediaTek USB Port (COM5), Provider: MediaTek Inc., Driver ver.: 2.0.1136.0, Date: 01.09.2011, USB\VID_0E8D&PID_0003&REV_0100
Baseband Processor:MT6260, HW Rev. B.00, SW Rev. 0.00
Serial number: 9835xx
Testing external RAM...4 Mb
Detecting flash...SPI, ID: 00EF4016-00000000
Flash size: 4 Mb, block size: 4 Kb
File system: 244 Kb @ 003C3000
Firmware: HDT6260D_11B_PCB01_gprs_MT6260_S00.MX6-COB-A1-9307BOE-QCY-6881-GC6113-WB-V06_1393-20190520
Hardware IMEI: Not found
Software IMEI: 3521xxx (Wrong IMEI checksum)
Mounting system disk...#0
Repaired IMEI: 357xx