Operation: Unlock
Selected model: SGH-T919
Selected port: COM3 Z3X BOX Serial Port
Software version: 32.7
Reading phone info... OK
Model: SGH-T919
Country code: ¹Ì±¹/TMB
Cal date: 2008-12-19
Factory SW: UVHL3
Unique number: 60440000215145
Memory phone: KAV00500FM(T919)
Phone SN: R6YS181957
Reading IMEI... OK
IMEI: 351915030298420
Reading SYSINFO... OK
Calculating... OK
Writing sysinfo... OK
Reseting... OK
Unlock done
Done with Samsung Tool PRO v.32.7
Selected model: SGH-T919
Selected port: COM3 Z3X BOX Serial Port
Software version: 32.7
Reading phone info... OK
Model: SGH-T919
Country code: ¹Ì±¹/TMB
Cal date: 2008-12-19
Factory SW: UVHL3
Unique number: 60440000215145
Memory phone: KAV00500FM(T919)
Phone SN: R6YS181957
Reading IMEI... OK
IMEI: 351915030298420
Reading SYSINFO... OK
Calculating... OK
Writing sysinfo... OK
Reseting... OK
Unlock done
Done with Samsung Tool PRO v.32.7